Book & Lyrics by Marcy Heisler
Music by Zina Goldrich
Adapted from the JUNIE B. JONES Series of books by Barbara Park
Thursday, July 19, 2018 7:30 p.m.
Friday & Saturday, July 20, 21, 2018 11:00 a.m.
First grade is full of new experiences, but with a notebook full of blank pages waiting to be filled with your top-secret personal beeswax, the possibilities are endless.
Straight from Barbara Park’s beloved book series, “Junie B. Jones Jr.” is a magically musical and highly hilarious adventure on the roller coaster of “1st Grade” as Junie B. and her classmates learn all about friendship, fun, and the importance a balanced lunchtime musical number!
copy 1 Junie B. Jones, The Musical Jr.